Explore the World
Hi, I’m Abdul
I am a South Asian dad and a beginner outdoorsman living in North America. I have always loved outdoors may it be mountains, forests, deserts or beaches. However, I have decided to get into hunting in my thirties with no former background whatsoever. I will write about how hard it is to do it and document my journey so it can help you to make your journey smoother
Also being a father I want my kids to understand that earth they live in has been here millions of years before they are born and would keep existing millions of years of after they are gone and has hundreds of thousands of other critters that you share this earth with so I want them to learn as much as they can about other plants and animals and appreciate their existence among us.
You will find anything from just my random thoughts while sitting in a tree stand to some of the ways to engage kids in outdoors to stories about my hunts to gear reviews. Let’s have some fun!